function [r,c,A] = dijkstra(G,initialNode,finalNode) %% %Another single-function implementation of Dijkstra's Algorithm for shorter path finding in a directed matrix-graph %Didactic reference: % %[route, cost, M] = dijkstra(G, initialNode, finalNode) % %Interpretation of the columns of the Dijkstra matrix M %Node number | best previous node | cumulative path cost | node visited % %Example: G(a,b)=z defines a directional link from (only) the node a to b, use G(b,a)=w to link from b to a % G = [; % 0 1 0 0 0 0 0; % 0 0 1 0 0 10 0; % 2 0 0 1 0 0 0; % 0 0 2 0 1 0 0; % 0 0 0 2 0 1 0; % 0 0 0 0 2 0 1; % 0 0 0 0 0 2 0; % ]; % % [r,c,W] = dijkstra(G,1,7) % [r,c,W] = dijkstra(G,7,2) % Author : Jordi Palacín % Version: 1.0 % Web : % initialize numNodes = length(G); Empty = 0; A = zeros(numNodes,4); % matrix with % A(:,1) = first column is the Node number number = 1; % A(:,2) = second column is the best previous node previous = 2; % A(:,3) = third columnsis the score score = 3; % A(:,4) = fourth column is the visited status of the node visited = 4; for iNode = 1:1:numNodes A(iNode,number) = iNode; A(iNode,score) = Inf; A(iNode,visited) = false; A(iNode,previous) = Empty; end % Check for isolated nodes and assign as visited for iNode = 1:1:numNodes if (sum(G(iNode,:)) == 0) && (sum(G(:,iNode)) == 0) A(iNode,visited) = true; end end % Assign a score of 0 to the initial node A(initialNode,score) = 0; while 1 % Select the unvisited node with the lowest score as the next node to be explored bestScoreNode = []; bestScore = Inf; for iNode = 1:1:numNodes if (A(iNode,visited) == 0) && (A(iNode,score) < bestScore) bestScoreNode = iNode; bestScore = A(iNode,score); end end if ~isempty(bestScoreNode) % Set the node selected as visited A(bestScoreNode,visited) = true; % Generate a list of unvisited linked nodes from the active node nodeList = []; for iNode = 1:1:numNodes if A(iNode,visited) == false % is there any link if (G(bestScoreNode,iNode) > 0) nodeList = [nodeList iNode]; end end end % Are there any unvisited linked node unprocessed ? while ~isempty(nodeList) % Select a node from the list of unvisited nodes and remove from the list uvn = nodeList(1); nodeList(1) = []; % Compute a cumulative score for the unvisited node cumulativescore = A(bestScoreNode,score) + G(bestScoreNode,uvn); % Update the score of the unvisited node if it is lower that its current score if cumulativescore < A(uvn,score) A(uvn,score) = cumulativescore; A(uvn,previous) = bestScoreNode; end % Select the node processed as visited %A(uvn,visited) = true; end else break; end % Are there any node unvisited ? if (numNodes == sum(A(:,visited))) break; end end % Is the destination node visited ? if A(finalNode,visited) == true % Yes % Cost c = A(finalNode,score); % decode the path found % decoding estarting at the finalNode % but the decoded route starts at the initialNode r = []; iNode = finalNode; while (iNode ~= initialNode) r = [iNode r]; iNode = A(iNode,previous); end r = [initialNode r]; else % no path found r = []; c = []; end end